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The Caveman Diet is about Real Food Consumption . . . Period!

Caveman Diet??!

Have you ever wondered what a caveman ate? To be honest with you, I have not put much thought into it myself. That may seem odd coming from the Paleo Doctor. After all, shouldn’t I be researching this kind of stuff so I can tell you exactly what Paleolithic people indulged in so we can mimic it? The truth is, it never really seemed like it needed a lot of thought. The answer just seemed obvious to me. Cavemen did not have vast options to choose from. Not to say they did not have a large variety of foods. This they did have. However, there was not a huge selection of locations from which to obtain food. The choices were simple. You ate off of the land or you consumed an animal of something that came from an animal.


What kind of foods did they eat?

There seems to be controversy about what the Paleo, or caveman, diet consisted of. Some would suggest that it was higher in protein, assuming that most of the food was animal derived. In contrast, others would lead us down the path implying that our forefathers ingested a higher amount of plant derived foods. The assumption here is that plants were more plentiful and easier to obtain. Thus, they were more readily consumed. As you can see, arguments can be made for both ends of the spectrum. Even today, in cultures that remain less civilized and closer to their ancestral heritage and customs, eating patterns are observed that support both sides. There does not appear a clear message about what the caveman diet should be.

Let me tell you what they didn’t eat

If at this point you are starting to feel confused about which direction to take with your diet don’t. In fact, we have yet to point out the one fact that will make implementing the Paleo diet a cinch! Let’s revisit our caveman in their environment. Rather, let’s examine our forefathers across many different cultures. The one consistency among all such individuals is they lived off of what they had access to. Regardless of where they were from, that meant they ate what they could pick or gather and catch or kill. Thus, it had to be real food. It was not processed, nor preserved. It was in the natural state that God provided it. Thus, the common thread in caveman diet is not that it is high in protein, low carb, or based on plants. No! The single most important fact to take away from the Paleo diet is that it is the consumption of real food.


Dead food means devoid of nutrients, live means full of nutrients

Eating real (live) food means your are providing the body with the most perfect fuel source that you could offer it. The body functions at its best when it is given the right nutrients without the interference of damaging and quite frankly, dead foods. Would a caveman have eaten a food with no life to it? Absolutely not! In fact, such things did not even exist. There was no necessity to go out of ones way to consume healthy food. All food was healthy. Ironically, chronic disease did not exist either. I say all of this to simply say, don’t get bogged down in the argument of what constitutes the caveman’s diet. High protein, high fat and high plant could all be part of the caveman’s diet. It really just depends on the place of origin.  Moreover, the body can function well on just about any of these dietary regimens within reason.If you need healthy Paleo ideas, you can always get a Paleo Cookbook for a good Paleo recipe. For yourself, make life easy and just eat real food.


Exercise is Part of the Paleolifestyle, Regardless of Age (by Mark Sherwood)

Generational Wellness

As I travel around the world, I have become somewhat of a people watcher.  Obviously my passion for physical wellness and my compassion for those who struggle with weight issues has become a part of the lens through which I often view people.  Though my blogs are intended to reach the masses, this one is specifically geared towards parents and those who wish to be someday.


Let me begin by describing a heartbreaking scene. I am sitting in an LAX terminal as I observe a father and mother walking towards me accompanied by their children. I estimate the parents’ age to be in their 40s with their two girls’ ages to be in their 20s. They all were visibly showing discomfort as they walked.  Additionally, all four were at least 150 pounds overweight. The daughters were even larger than their mother.  I must admit a deep sense of sadness I felt as I thought about what I was really seeing. It was much more than just a severely obese family.  It was a family that undoubtedly will have to deal with the enhanced risk of disease and death at a much earlier age than should be expected. I thought about these daughters one day having children. I even wondered what others may be thinking. Do we really treat ‘those people’ different? Will they have to purchase two seats on the airplane?  I thought about when/how this generational pattern of ‘un-wellness’ began. When will it end? Will it ever?

Let’s face some statistical truths. Today, nearly 4 in 10 Americans are obese.  Predictions are dire with the obesity rate rising in teens and preteens. Someone has to step up and break the cycle of generational ‘un-wellness.’  Parents (and those who wish to be), YOU ARE THE ONES called to step up and break this dangerous cycle. Do something now in regard to changing your life, extending the quantity of your life, enhancing the quality of your life, and starting a generation-changing pattern of wellness. Here are some things you can begin right now:

  • Get a wellness check-up with a doctor that knows functional medicine.
  • Start a walking / exercise program and progress slowly, but consistently.
  • Gradually change your nutritional habits by adding more natural foods and vegetables.  The Paleo Diet is a good place to start.
  • Drink more water making it your main liquid intake.
  • Seek the advice/services of a trusted wellness professional who lives out what he/she teaches
  • Don’t take shortcuts or fall for quick fix gimmicks.

This subject, I realize, can be very personal and very emotional. However, when we are speaking about generations, we are speaking about a very real subject that affects OUR REAL FUTURE.

Please take these few words seriously and pass them on to those you know who need to hear this. It is coming from someone who really cares.  This may be uncomfortable and toe-crunching to talk about, but it is badly needed across our world.  This is not an advertisement for my services, but because of my passion, I will help as a trusted wellness professional. I threw that out there to eliminate an excuse (e.g. no person cares or is willing to help) people often use.  Friends, excuses will get us nowhere.  This time, this day, this hour is the time for parents (and those who wish to be) to stop making excuses and passing the buck.  I challenge you to make the commitment to be THE ONE to begin a pattern of generational wellness in your family.

Here’s to being 4EverFit!

The Key to Making the First Step into Exercise Successful (by Mark Sherwood)

A Solid First Step

“I need to start exercising; I know that!” I hear these words literally every place I speak. It seems that even though many people are aware of the problem (i.e. obesity, sedentary habits, poor nutrition, and poor health are all on the rise), few take the steps necessary for correction. I really believe that most reasons for not taking those steps are found somewhere between internal feelings of overwhelm, fears of failure, and uncertainty about where exactly to begin.

The first step is the most important. This step must be certain, sure, and solid. It cannot have question and must succeed. With 360 degrees of option in that first step, there are many choices of direction, but only a very few will get you going the right direction.

Ok, so here is a simple breakdown of a solid first step – 4 simple guidelines everyone can do at a price everyone can afford:

  1. Purchase a quality nutrition guideline. I recommend Paleo Transitions by Dr. Hill.
  2. Make gradual changes to your diet. Start small by adding one quality (paleo) meal daily along with adding two servings of vegetables per day at least 5      days per week. Don’t start worrying about taking things away just yet.
  3. Drink more water. A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight by 2 and drink at least that many ounces of water daily.
  4. Begin a simple, structured, low-resistance strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular program at home. Don’t try to visit a gym just yet.  I recommend my 4E Fitness BASIC and INTERMEDIATE DVD programs. You can even do the ADVANCED if you have been consistently exercising. They are affordable and very effective with amazing flexibility on when/where they can be used. Just pop them in a laptop or DVD player and follow along. A simple walking program is included.

For at least 6 months, follow these 4 simple guidelines that encompass the all important ‘first step.’ You will have made that first step successful, solid, and sure.  It will be time well spent and money well invested. It will change your life for the better. This is a price you cannot afford ‘not’ to pay.  Your health is extremely important! Don’t wait! Take that first step now – not tomorrow – but now!

We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we do have the chance to make the most of NOW. As you read this article, please know that I believe in you, and I believe that this first step (described above) is a step in which you will be successful.

Here’s to being 4ever fit!


Maintaining a Paleo Lifestyle Beyond the New Year with Exercise (by Mark Sherwood)

Stepping Into Freedom

When New Year rolls around annually, I see and hear the buzz around new beginnings in the area of wellness. I hear statements like, “I am really going to clean up my eating…this year will be different…now is a great time to get fit…this year is my year.” You and I have heard or said each of these.

The very fact you have read so far in this article speaks volumes about your strong desire to change. This, in itself, should greatly encourage you. Hopefully you have decided to open the window to a new type of life through your adoption of the Paleolithic (Paleo) lifestyle. The idea living this life is living life in the way we were originally created. Dr. Hill’s cookbook, Paleo Transitions, yields great returns and ease in eating with this style. I endorse it fully and utilize it often.


Once you begin to eat in the way our created body intends, you will begin to feel much better, rest better, and function better. You will also begin to have a stronger desire to move more and better (i.e. exercise). You and I both know nutrition + exercise = wellness. Oftentimes, however, I see people who reach this point make critically wrong decisions. They start too fast doing too much. Remember, you and I are talking about a permanent lifestyle (paleo lifestyle) change.  Too fast and too much leads to injuries, failure, and depression.  I am all about success and keeping you on the road to wellness through the remainder of your days on planet earth.

In my next blog, I will show you how to take a ‘solid first step’ in incorporating activity into this new found purpose in your life. If you will follow my instructions, you will not only taste success; you will live it.

Here’s to being 4EverFit!

-Mark Sherwood

Paleo Diet is the Keystone to Health and Wellness

Passionate about Paleo!

You can ask anyone who follows the Paleo Lifestyle which diet or eating pattern they would recommend, and of course they would say the Paleo Diet. And I catch myself doing this too. When my patients ask me which Diet they should follow, I have to refrain myself from jumping on my soap box and preaching all the benefits and reasons they should follow the Paleo Diet. I remind myself that not everyone is as aware or as passionate as I am about the Paleo Diet…YET! 

Food is our medicine.

Jokes aside, the reason I am so passionate about the Paleo Lifestyle is because of the benefits I see in eating real food. Paleo is power. I can see it not only in my patients, but I experience the benefit of eating it every day myself. In the Houston, we are not only part of a metropolitan area, but also surrounded by the petrochemical industry. Make no mistake about it the combination of those two facts alone stacks the odds against us when it comes to health. Therefore protecting ourselves against the threat of disease is a real concern. But health cannot excel without a foundational diet.

When I am evaluating my patients with severe, chronic conditions, every aspect of their health counts. What I came to learn very quickly is that diet is everything. This may seem a bit cliché, but it is fact. It is also the reason that I, as well as many others, stand by the Paleo Diet as the keystone to health.

Your gut is the key to your health.

Let me quickly share some points that I have learned in the last decade of practice that solidified for me the necessity to recommend the Paleo Diet. People are sick. And unfortunately the dysfunction that is contributing to illness is often unrecognized. More often than not, most dysfunction originates in the gastrointestinal tract. The state of the gastrointestinal tract however is a direct reflection of what it is exposed to. Think about it simplistically first. If you were constantly exposed to things that were noxious to you, eventually you would succumb to the exposure. This is very much similar to what happens in the gastrointestinal tract. The average person consistently punishes the gastrointestinal tract day after day by ingesting foods that are toxic, and subsequently inflammatory. As inflammation builds, the door to chronic disease is slowly nudged further open.

Ask your self this question;

However, all of this can be deterred by the Paleo diet. Why? The Paleo Diet is the antithesis of what is considered a typical diet in today’s world. We have become brainwashed by the food industry about what constitutes an ideal food selection that most of us have difficulty determining what is good for us and what is not. The first question I teach my patients to ask is, “Is this food living, or is it dead?” If it is living, it is likely an ideal choice, although there are exceptions. Living foods are stacked full of nutrients and support proper body function, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. In opposition to the effects imposed by the typical diet, the Paleo Diet nourishes the bowels leading to a reduction in inflammation throughout the whole body.

Spread the word!

I’m sure you have heard the expression “Death begins in the colon”? I agree with that. But I would also like to add “Life begins with The Paleo Diet”. I’m sure people realize by now that the Paleo Diet is not a fad diet, it isn’t a diet at all it’s a way of life. It is the reintroduction of the way our species was intended to eat to prevent disease and stay healthy. If your ultimate goal is to be healthier, lose weight, feel better, and prevent disease, then The Paleo diet is the diet for you. And there are no substitutions. With more and more people becoming aware of what the food industry is doing to out food supply, the number of people that are open to the Paleo Diet are increasing significantly. Real organic live foods are the way to go. So to all of my patients, family, colleagues and friends that care about their friends an families, thank you for spreading the word. People can’t know, if we don’t tell them. Together we can make this world a healthier place.


Paleo Doctor Recognized as Functional Medicine Doctor of the Year

Functional medicine is here to stay

So, if you have spent any time on my blog, you know that I am a functional medicine practitioner. Functional medicine is the next wave in healthcare. However, what is different about functional medicine is that unlike other aspects of healthcare that have come and gone, it is here to stay. How can I be so sure that functional medicine is not a passing fad? The answer to this question is actually simpler than one might think. Normal function is the basis of good health. We are all aware that the current healthcare system is not setup to support return of optimal health, but rather to treat disease.

Functional medicine doctors genuinely care about their patients

While at a conference recently as a speaker I was asked to talk on the merits of setting up a nutritional pharmacy and how to use that pharmacy to best support patient care. The room was full of seasoned clinicians eagerly awaiting the content of the next lecture to find out how to better serve the patients that they work with. This is such a different mindset than what we think about when comparing traditional medicine. However, it is also the mindset that makes functional medicine different. Doctors that want to listen to their patient’s needs intently and with a close ear to detect the subtleties of dysfunction are what functional medicine is comprised of. So in a room such as this with such gifted practitioners, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the amount of talent in the room. These are the kind of clinicians that a true doctor would be honored to call a colleague.

Yet during the weekend, I received a significant surprise that I was not expecting. I was given the recognition that I could not have imagined receiving, especially when looking at the caliber of practitioners in the room. With great humility and pride in the work that I do each day, I was named Functional Medicine Doctor of the Year for 2013. This was an unexpected honor, and one that I am very proud to have received.

Seeing patient regain their health is reward enough

Afterwards, I reflected on the last year and what actions I had taken to have deserved such recognition. Ironically, the work that I did through the past year did not feel like work in any way. Moreover, it felt like sharing with colleagues and patients my clinical experiences that could benefit them and their patients. When I think of what it is that I have been afforded the opportunity to do each day, I consider myself a truly blessed person. To be able to watch individuals regain their health is priceless. It gives merit to the time away from home and the hours spent learning.

Practicing functional medicine instead of “traditional” medicine is the only way to truly help patients.

When I look back at the path that has lead me to where I am today, it is no mistake the events that have transpired to make me a Doctor of Functional Medicine. Functional medicine will stand the test of time, and do so by its own merit. This science that continues to emerge is the basis of mankind’s physical existence. It will endure long after other healthcare philosophies have faded into history by virtue of its ability to restore the basic physiology of the body.


Stop Debating About Eating Protein. Stay Paleo. Here’s why . . . .

It’s not about protein, it’s about balance

Despite what you may think, I’m not the guy that’s going to tell you to eat lots and lots of protein.  Protein is definitely necessary though, protein is an essential part of the diet. But, it does not make any other aspect of the diet less important. The bulk of your diet should be plants and healthy fats, but also include protein. What I am suggesting is that if you don’t eat a balanced diet, with plants fats and proteins, you will most certainly have metabolic dysfunction.

They are just rumors

paleo meal

Almost everyone has heard all the negatives about protein especially red meats.  And because of that many people do not want to eat it on a regular basis. One of the comments you will hear most is that red meat is high in fat, and that somehow the consumption of fat also makes you fat.. You will also hear that the regular consumption of red meat can cause chronic disease and osteoporosis. And if you dig hard enough you will find someone preaching that you can get kidney damage when you eat too much red meat. And of course there is some medical evidence of this to a certain degree, but you aren’t hearing the full story. What these people are implying is that all proteins are the same and if you eat enough of it you should expect these negative consequences.

Grass fed, organic only

The first point I need to differentiate with you here is that not all meats are the same. Even some of the scientific studies are now finally differentiating meat sources. A cow raised in a pasture allowed to graze freely on grasses is much different than a cow raised for market that gets pumped full of corn at a feed lot. The cow raised on grasses has a meat composition that is higher in healthy fats, free of harmful antibiotics and hormones, and devoid of potential triggers for the immune system. In comparison, the cows grown on feed lots turn out to be “heifers”, speaking figuratively of course. They are fatter, less healthy and have excess hormones. Thus, choosing a grass fed source of meat is superior. Moreover, if you view food through the prism of the Paleo Diet, the only source of meat is grass fed. Inherently if you are living off of the land, there is not another option. So having established where our meat should come from and that it should be consumed as part of a balanced diet, let’s talk about the importance of protein. Don’t buy into the notion that you are better off eating only plants. Yes, most of the diet should come from plants. I will even pose that some a very small segment of the population does better with limited protein from meat. Yet, this is the exception rather than the rule.


Protein = Amino Acids

Protein broken down into Amino acids is a very vital part of our biochemistry. The Paleo Diet, a diet that helps restore metabolic function, can only do so with adequate protein. Adequate protein insures that the biochemical processes in our body that depend on the amino acids that come from protein are supplied. To make this more tangible, let me give you just a handful of the uses of dietary protein and why it is so important.

We need protein to function

Your gastrointestinal tract is arguably the most important system in the body. Protein fuels the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract, a process that happens daily. You may think this is counter intuitive as some will say that excess protein causes constipation. It does, when not part of a balanced diet. Let’s not digress on that point though. Not only does the gastrointestinal tract need proteins, but so does nearly every tissue in your body. We are protein based structures. Several of our neurotransmitters and hormones are derived from proteins such as serotonin and thyroxine (thyroid hormone). Protein helps make us efficient. It is integral to energy production and metabolic rate. This happens not just through hormones like thyroxine that come from proteins, but also as a virtue of just consuming the Paleo Diet. The right selection of foods increases metabolic rate. The fact is that I am just scratching the surface of all of the uses of protein and why it is absolutely critical that you consume regular amounts.

Arguing against the merits of protein and suggesting that the diet should contain limited amounts of it neglects basic biochemistry. In fairness, the diet should be mostly plant based, but there should also be adequate consideration given to protein consumption as part of a Paleo Diet. So ease your mind. Rather than feel guilty about the consumption of protein, take pleasure in it and know that you are giving your body what it needs.

Does Anyone Really Know What the Paleo Diet is?

Why is everyone talking about the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo Diet continues to gain more and more traction. I have noticed a recent upsurge in the number of internet articles discussing the Paleo Diet. Moreover, several news outlets are now reviewing the Paleo Diet with some touting the pros while others harp on the cons. How can one diet have so many different critiques of it, with seemingly very few of them agreeing? And more over, why is the Paleo Diet receiving so much attention of recent as compared to the past.

The Paleo Diet is not a new diet

Let’s handle this last question first. In short, the Paleo Diet works. Otherwise it would have dissipated from the files of many nutritionists long ago and been buried as nutritional folklore. Some still think of it this way, but the time has come for the resurgence of the eating patterns that have mankind to flourish for the last several thousand years. This rejuvenation has developed a following. The Paleo Diet is the science of eating before there was science to know how to best eat. In the last three decades, researchers have been studying the effects of the Paleo Diet and often the outcomes of these studies portray it in a positive manner.

The Paleo Diet doesn’t follow a protocol like other diets

In contrast however, the Paleo Diet has been the subject of some negative attention. Some note that it is high in protein and that this is detrimental to our health. Yet others worry about the inclusion of such high amount of fats and the possible increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Are these concerns justified? It is really difficult to answer these questions in the context of the Paleo Diet as no one has a consistent definition of what the Paleo Diet is. Almost every popular diet out there has a specific protocol. For example, take Atkins. Atkins cuts out carbohydrates for a short duration and then slowly brings them back in. Weight Watchers is another good example. You know that you will be allowed a certain amount of points to eat each day and different foods contain different point values. But there is no consistency among the literature focused on the Paleo Diet.

The Paleo Diet isn’t a diet

The Paleo Diet is a diet unlike any other out there. This is the reason that there is so much confusion. The confusion in fact is not derived from the complexity of the diet, but rather from its simplicity. Foremost, the Paleo Diet is not a diet. The word diet as it is traditionally used implies that there is an end to a specific way of eating once a goal has been achieved, often weight loss. Rather, the Paleo Diet is an eating pattern. It is a way of eating that you adopt as your lifestyle. Paleo Lifestyle if you will. This means that the changes that you make are ones that you would adhere to the rest of your life. At this point, you should ask, what is so different about eating Paleo that would make me want to consume it for the rest of my life? Simply, the Paleo Diet is the consumption of real food in its most natural state. It is nothing more, nothing less. Yet, as we humans often do, we tend to make things complicated and begin adding rules and do and don’t lists.

Paleo confusion cleared

It is this simplicity of eating food in its natural state that allows for different variations of the Paleo Diet. To illustrate this difference, a vegan can be Paleo so long as they are eating vegetables and fruits in their whole state. An Inuit can also be Paleo eating their native diet of most high fat and protein because it is still in its most natural state. You can see with such extreme differences still being able to fall under the category of Paleo that this would allow many variations to originate. Moreover, it allows many opinions to creep in as to what is the best version of the Paleo Diet.

One Paleo diet does not fit all

As a practicing doctor, I like to refer to the science when available to aid in the decision making process about the right version of the Paleo Diet. This is easily done with a working knowledge of the medical literature as well as proven lab tests that aid in providing a better understanding of the underlying biochemistry that a person has. Some foods that are ideal for one may be completely detrimental for another, but yet both fall under the context of Paleo.

Where to Start?

The right starting point differs for everyone, but there are certainly some commonalities that one would want to acknowledge when considering a transition to the Paleo Lifestyle. The consumption of foods as close to their natural state is always superior to the ingestion of refined foods. Refined foods are devoid of nutrients and living qualities, whereas foods in their natural state provide these living qualities as well as nutrients and other cofactors that aid in the prevention of disease and promotion of wellness. You will not go wrong with eating living foods. These foods can be cooked in different ways, eaten raw, mixed with other foods, eaten fresh or frozen. The bottom line is that you are placing a nourishing food in your body. If you can do that, you can easily adhere to the Paleo Diet.

 Dr. Arland Hill,DC, MPH, DACBN




Functional Medicine Depends on the Paleo Diet

Diet is the core concept of health.

There are a lot of topics that I discuss with my patients but one of those topics I bring up most often. And I wouldn’t be surprised if I was driving them crazy with how much I discuss it. But it’s important, I keep bringing it up because it is for their benefit, their health. I feel it’s important they know.  It would be on me if they don’t know, and I wouldn’t be doing my job if I weren’t telling them and reminding them. It is the core of their makeup and it determines how they feel and function on a daily basis. I am referring to none other than diet, the core concept of health. And when I say diet I don’t mean diet as in lose some weight diet, but rather diet as in the things you eat on a daily basis, your daily diet.

The Paleo diet and the media.

Recently I’m sure you have heard some things about the Paleo diet in the media. The thing that bothers me about that is that the Paleo Diet is being portrayed as a “diet” and being lumped together with Atkins, the sprinkles, Weight Watchers etc.  Although those diets may or may not be effective, the Paleo Diet is not a diet.  You don’t start eating Paleo to lose weight (although it is a nice side effect). The Paleo Diet is a diet as in a way of eating for the rest of your life. I often refer to the Paleo Diet as the Paleo Lifestyle, because that is what it is, it’s a lifestyle, it’s permanent. So while I do appreciate all of the attention the Paleo Diet is getting lately in the media, when seeing or hearing anything about it, keep in mind, it’s not a diet, it’s a way of eating and living.

food is medicine

The Paleo Diet

You may say to yourself, “this guy is on a crusade with this diet talk.” The truth is that I am really not. I am not the “banner carrier” for any particular movement or diet. I am a promoter of truth and like it or not, the Paleo Diet is truth. When I say that it is truth, what I am in fact saying is that the Paleo Diet is the closest dietary pattern that aligns with how our body functions. Routine consumption of the Paleo Diet is able to be maintained indefinitely without concern for any ill effects to health or difficulties in maintaining it. In fact, it does just the opposite. Those that transition to the Paleo diet see great improvements in their health as well as find it easy to maintain.

The Paleo diet and the media.

Recently I’m sure you have heard some things about the Paleo diet in the media. The thing that bothers me about that is that the Paleo Diet is being portrayed as a diet it is being lumped together with Atkins, the sprinkles, Weight Watchers etc. The Paleo Diet is not a diet, you don’t start eating Paleo to lose weight (although it is a nice side effect). The Paleo Diet is a diet as in a way of eating for the rest of your life. I often refer to the Paleo Diet as the Paleo Lifestyle, because that is what it is, it’s a lifestyle, it’s permanent. So while I do appreciate all of the attention the Paleo Diet is getting, when seeing or hearing anything about it, keep in mind, it’s not a diet, it’s a way of eating and living.

This is why the Paleo Diet is such a natural fit for functional medicine. The focus of functional medicine is restoring the normal function of the body with precursors that it needs. Nothing is more central to this idea than diet. Eat the wrong foods and your diet works against you damaging your health. However, if you eat the right foods, your body maintains its function and you stay youthful and vibrant.

The best foundation is getting the right nutrients

When working with my patients initially, I am placing significant emphasis on getting the right nutrients in them and modifying their diet to meet their needs. This is a core concept in functional medicine. After all, if my patients are not starting off with a good foundation, how can they expect to get better? That foundation centers on the Paleo Diet. It provides the basis from which everything else can improve. Once the foundation is established, healing can take place.

Traditional medicine overlooks diet.

Functional medicine is a far different mindset than traditional medicine. Traditional medicine has long neglected the concept of food being core to healthcare. You can see this in the way that it is practiced daily. In routine clinical care, food is not a part of the treatment model. At best, mention is given to changing the diet with little instruction as to what that actually is. I see patients coming into my clinic having realized that their diet is central to their health and needs to change, but not having an idea of where to start.

After years of medical evolution, here those of us that are on the cutting edge of healthcare find ourselves having come full circle using the best medical technology to reinforce the basics such as diet.

“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
-Thomas Jefferson

“An old-fashioned vegetable soup, without any enhancement, is a more powerful anti carcinogen than any known medicine.”
– James Duke M.D.(U.S.D.A.)


Do you know what Functional Medicine Is?

The new wave of medicine

I’d be surprised if you haven’t heard of Functional Medicine. It’s quickly on the rise and becoming the preferred method for healthcare by more and more people. I have been practicing Functional Medicine for over 10 years now, and I am happy to say that all the attention it is finally getting is very well deserved.  Finally people are starting to realize that treating the underlying problem, what is causing your symptoms, is better and more logical than just slapping a “band aid” on the problem.  Functional medicine is the new wave of medicine, and it’s not just for internal issues but also for muscle and joint issues as well.

Time for change

Let me introduce you to the concept of functional medicine just in case you are not familiar with it. The concept is so simple it is hard to believe everyone does not think this way in healthcare. I bet if you ask a hundred people on the streets here in the Houston area, not one of them would know what you are talking about. How can that be? How is it that there is a changing paradigm in healthcare happening around you and you don’t know about it? It is not your fault, but rather ingrained models of healthcare that are ready for a change. You can imagine in a city with a medical center as well recognized as Houston, change might come slow.

functional medicine

What is Functional medicine?

Functional medicine is the idea of providing the body the constituents that it needs to allow it to function as God intended it to. When the necessary precursors are given to the body, the biological systems will work as they should. Such constituents might be as simple as antioxidants and minerals, but nonetheless they are what is required for normal physiologic function. The end result is that allowing the systems of the body to carry out their role provides a restoration of function. When function is restored, the symptoms that manifested are alleviated.

Medicine is usually just a band aid.

Functional medicine is a different mindset than traditional medicine. Patient symptoms and complaints drive the majority of healthcare. The burden on the healthcare system is not derived from acute injuries, but from chronic conditions. Chronic ailments are a manifestation of a change in function of the body. With this change come symptoms. Classic approaches to symptoms have revolved around masking the symptoms with medication or the use of surgery to remove the offending problem. These approaches to medicine, while necessary in some case, don’t often address the underlying issue.

Functional medicine gets to the root of the symptom. The underlying cause.

In contrast, functional medicine looks at the symptom in a much different manner. The symptom is the alarm. Something is wrong and action needs to be taken. When patients present with a symptom, as a practicing functional medicine doctor, I begin to ask why. Why does a person have joint pain? I may determine that it is due to dysfunctional muscles that need support. Why are the cholesterol levels going up? A possible explanation for my patient might be that their stress is on the rise causing an increased demand for cholesterol to support hormone production.

Functional medicine is the way healthcare should be.

Having decided to become a functional medicine doctor means that I have also decided to think out side of the box. It’s in my nature. I just have to know and determine why. Rather than being restricted and limited to the algorithms of traditional healthcare, I decided to brand myself as a doctor my patients can trust and rely on to get to the root of the problem, one that will take the time to look at the whole picture and listen carefully to what patients are telling me. I also spend a lot of time with each patient usually 45 minutes to an hour. It’s important to hear what patients are saying to me so that I can accurately test them, assess their needs them and design a comprehensive protocol that specifically fits their needs. One size does not fit all. So you see,  the movement has already begun. Functional medicine, is being backed by more and more research, and will become increasingly established as part of the medical system, even in cities with medical traditions such as Houston.

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