Paleo Doctor Confession: I’m Addicted to Ruggles Black
“Hello, My name is Dr. Arland Hill (aka The Paleo Doctor), and I’m addicted to Ruggles Black.” That’s right, I am confessing. Ruggles Black has become one of my favorite places to eat, and chances are, if you have tried any of their menu options, you are probably on your way to joining me. Ruggles Black puts a new flare on an old diet, all in a setting that is suitable for a business meeting over lunch or fine dining with friends in the evening.
Avoid the “Going Out to Eat Quilt”
Whether you follow the Paleo Diet or just try to eat healthy, finding a restaurant with high quality food can be difficult. You know the feeling that I am talking about. You just want to go out and enjoy friends and food, but there is a quilt knowing that do to that, you are likely going to have to eat something you normally wouldn’t. After all, just avoiding gluten and dairy in most restaurants is a challenge in itself. Not to mentioned, there always seems to be that eye-catching item on the menu that you just cannot say no to. Yet eating these foods usually comes at a price. As most of us that have eaten “clean” for a long time will attest to, you are left with a heavy feeling in your gut, or a food hangover from eating items you normally wouldn’t. Add to the physical discomfort emotional quilt about sabotaging your diet, and going out to eat just doesn’t sound as appealing any longer.
Ruggles Black Gives Paleo Eaters an Option
Ruggles Black and Chef Bruce Molzan have given those of us that follow the Paleo Diet a place to eat without the quilt. Newcomers to Ruggles Black may inherently wonder if French inspired Paleo cuisine can really compete with menu items at other fine dining locations. Will the taste and texture match up?
The right ingredients and knowing how to combine them is truly a talent. Chef Bruce Molzan has become a master at this. He has used his talents to make what I would argue are among the best dishes available in local Houston restaurants, and not just one that has a Paleo focus. When one is not handicapped by relying on dairy and wheat as ingredients, the uniqueness of the ingredients comes out as bold flavors. From my personal experience, the feedback of family, friends, and patients, each dish leaves you with a sense of satisfaction and questioning what menu item you should try next. And most importantly, you are staying true to your diet by avoiding ingredients that can derail your health and fitness goals.
Only the Best Sourced Ingredients
It can be challenging at times to find the right foods to prepare at home. Whether you are avoiding GMOs or trying to find true organic and grass fed items, this seems to be more of a challenge than it should be. Believe me, I understand the frustration. When it comes to going out to eat, forget it! You might as well just throw caution to the wind and take your chance on where the ingredients are coming from. But wait! This is not true at Ruggles Black. Chef Bruce Molzan has diligently worked to establish a network of suppliers that provide him with the best ingredient and meats, and the freshest of fish. As he shared with me the first time we had fish tacos together, “This snapper was swimming yesterday.” This is piece of mind that those of use that are particular about ingredients have difficulty finding. Therefore, when we find a location like Ruggles Black that goes the extra mile, we like to stick with it.
Can addiction be a good thing? When it comes to eating quality food, I have to ask why you are not addicted? So in short yes. Food with great taste, locally sourced ingredients, a true Paleo menu that ranges from fish tacos and salads to complex dishes that are full of culinary flare served in a upbeat atmosphere is exactly what you get from Ruggles Black. It is the ideal setting to join friends and spoil yourself with a fine meal while not having to carry any quilt about the food you are enjoying. Give it a try and you may become an addict too.
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